TunSafe VPN

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  • App :TunSafe VPN
  • 版本 :1.0
  • 系统 :4.0.3 及更高版本
  • 提供者 :TunSafe AB
  • 开发者 :Home

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TunSafe VPN介绍 :

TunSafe VPN

TunSafe is a free app which let you connect to WireGuard compatible VPN servers.

TunSafe VPN for Android uses the official TunSafe VPN servers by default. When using those, there's no need to setup an account, just click a single button and all your Internet traffic will be routed anonymously through our servers.

You can also use a custom WireGuard configuration file from any WireGuard VPN provider of your choice.

When connected TunSafe encrypts all your traffic and hides your original IP address. With the LAN-IP bypass & Excluded apps features you can customize what traffic that should bypass the VPN connection. When Kill-Switch is enabled all internet traffic will be blocked in case the VPN connection is lost.

Unlike other WireGuard clients, TunSafe is written in the C++ programming language to minimize cpu usage, memory usage, and extend battery life.

Why choose TunSafe VPN?
– Completely Free & No Ads
– Written in C++ for maximum battery life
– Includes the official TunSafe VPN servers
– No registration required
– Generous usage limits and no time limits
– Fully anonymous and we have no traffic logs
– Works with all types of Internet connections
– Works with your own WireGuard config files
– Many features: Kill-Switch, LAN-IP bypass, Excluded apps

The official TunSafe VPN servers provides 30 days trial. After these 30 days the bandwidth is limited to 1GB/day. When using your own config files, no limits apply.TunSafe是一款免费的应用程序,可让您连接到WireGuard兼容的VPN服务器。

适用于Android的TunSafe VPN默认使用官方TunSafe VPN服务器。使用这些帐户时,无需设置帐户,只需单击一个按钮,您的所有互联网流量将通过我们的服务器匿名路由。

您还可以使用您选择的任何WireGuard VPN提供商提供的自定义WireGuard配置文件。


与其他WireGuard客户端不同,TunSafe是用C ++编程语言编写的,可最大限度地减少CPU使用,内存使用并延长电池寿命。

为什么选择TunSafe VPN?
  – 完全免费且无广告
  – 用C ++编写,以延长电池寿命
  – 包括官方TunSafe VPN服务器
  – 无需注册
  – 慷慨的使用限制,没有时间限制
  – 完全匿名,我们没有流量日志
  – 适用于所有类型的Internet连接
  – 使用您自己的WireGuard配置文件
  – 许多功能:Kill-Switch,LAN-IP旁路,排除的应用程序
官方TunSafe VPN服务器提供30天试用期。在这30天之后,带宽限制为1GB /天。使用您自己的配置文件时,不适用任何限制。

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